Take action!
Empowerment of LGBT women
A tour across Quebec to empower LGBTQ+ women
– Organized by the Quebec Lesbian Network

Awareness material (in French)

Created by Ni viande ni objet

Created by Ni viande ni objet

Created by Ni viande ni objet
Guides (in French)
Prenez soin de vous et des autres (in French only)
LEXIC2 – Laboratoire des EXpériences et des Intersections pour Comprendre et Contrer les violences sexuelles vécues par les communautés LGBTQ+
Interpersonal violence
Les violences sexuelles : lexique (in French only)
LEXIC2 – Laboratoire des EXpériences et des Intersections pour
Comprendre et Contrer les violences sexuelles vécues par les communautés
Trousse média sur l’intimidation (in French only)
INSPQ – Institut national de santé publique du Québec
Trousse média sur la violence conjugale (in French only)
INSPQ – Institut national de santé publique du Québec
Guide de transition légale (in French only)
GATUS – Groupe d’action trans de l’Université de Sherbrooke
Association québécoise Plaidoyer-Victimes
What to expect from the justice system?
– The role of the criminal and penal prosecuting attorney
– The way the case is processed in the youth criminal justice system
What exactly is cyberviolence?
– Demystification of cyberviolence and sexting in intimate relationships
– Consequences of cyberviolence on young victims
Why should it be reported?
– Issues surrounding reporting cyberdating abuse to police services
What should I do if my teen is a victim of cyberviolence?
– Practical advice to parents whose teenager is experiencing cyberviolence in their intimate relationship