Take action!
Empowerment of LGBT women
A tour across Quebec to empower LGBTQ+ women
– Organized by the Quebec Lesbian Network
Awareness material (in French)
Guides (in French)
Prenez soin de vous et des autres (in French only)
LEXIC2 – Laboratoire des EXpériences et des Intersections pour Comprendre et Contrer les violences sexuelles vécues par les communautés LGBTQ+
Interpersonal violence
Les violences sexuelles : lexique (in French only)
LEXIC2 – Laboratoire des EXpériences et des Intersections pour
Comprendre et Contrer les violences sexuelles vécues par les communautés
Trousse média sur l’intimidation (in French only)
INSPQ – Institut national de santé publique du Québec
Trousse média sur la violence conjugale (in French only)
INSPQ – Institut national de santé publique du Québec
Guide de transition légale (in French only)
GATUS – Groupe d’action trans de l’Université de Sherbrooke
Association québécoise Plaidoyer-Victimes
What to expect from the justice system?
– The role of the criminal and penal prosecuting attorney
– The way the case is processed in the youth criminal justice system
What exactly is cyberviolence?
– Demystification of cyberviolence and sexting in intimate relationships
– Consequences of cyberviolence on young victims
Why should it be reported?
– Issues surrounding reporting cyberdating abuse to police services
What should I do if my teen is a victim of cyberviolence?
– Practical advice to parents whose teenager is experiencing cyberviolence in their intimate relationship