Alix gives you the opportunity to report the violence you’ve experienced in a completely anonymous way.
Alix is there to support you, and all those who provide services for LGBTQ+ people victims of violence.
Alix offers you tools to remain aware and informed, and provides you the resources you need.
If you need help, Interligne is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We believe you and we listen to you without judgment.

The data collected by your statements will make the violence experienced by LGBTQ+ communities visible and more understandable.

Interligne is there to support LGBTQ+ people who have experienced violence and the people who provide services for them.

Learning about violence enables you to impact the lives of those affected with informed and conscientious support.
Let’s talk about it
Sexual violence and LGBTQ+ people
New service from Interligne: the legal clinic
The Interline team is pleased to launch its new legal clinic for LGBTQ+ people thanks…